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Don McDaniel posing arms crossed in front of a computer

About Don McDaniel

An industry leader and serial entrepreneur with more than 25 years’ experience, Don McDaniel has experienced healthcare’s dysfunction from many seats. 

He has launched several healthcare businesses, is a former hospital, health services, technology, and insurance industry executive, and operating partner. Consistent across his diverse background is helping disruptive healthcare companies of all sizes and at various stages succeed.  

Our Services

High-impact services to take your business to the next level

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Advanced Analytics

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Social Media Marketing

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Search Engine Optimization

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Funnel Optimization

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Why Elements?

Discover why Elements is the best marketing agency

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Focused on Growth

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Measurable Results

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Team of Experts

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Our Team

We have a talented team of Marketers, Designers and Developers

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Marketing Team

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Engineering Team

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Design Team

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What people are saying

Featured Engagements

  • Advancing Healthcare Through Digital Transformation Summit – Quisitive, Microsoft Cloud Partner
  • Healthcare Insider Symposium – Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney
  • Panel on Healthcare at Home – McGuireWoods, Private Equity Conference 
  • Top Issues for Federally Qualified Health Centers – athenahealth 
  • Act Like a Doctor, Think Like a Health Plan: How Physician Enterprises Can Become Cost-of-Care Leaders – Centricity Health User Group
  • The Power of Real-Time Analytics at the Point of Care – Moderated Session; HIMSS 
  • Making Value-Based Care Less Novel, More Normal – Philadelphia Collaborative Roundtable for Healthcare Executives, sponsored by Philips 
  • Industrializing Healthcare: How Transparency, Efficiency and Markets Will Transform the Industry – Jefferson College of Population Health 
  • Driving Healthcare Innovation: Accelerations, Funding and Commercialization – Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
  • Going Beyond Meaningful Use – Whitepaper, GE Healthcare 

Speaking Topics

Healthcare Strategy & Economics

  • Megatrends that Affect the Future of Healthcare 
  • Health Economics, Policy and Markets 
  • The Hospital of the Future  
  • Formation of Viable Health Care Organizations 
  • Strategy, Leadership and Innovation 
  • Consumer-Driven Innovation and Expectations 

Healthcare Capital Markets

  • Private Equity: friend or foe; Private Equity and Value-Based Care Investment 
  • Private Equity Insurgence into BioTech and Health Tech 
  • Health @ Home Economics and Innovation 
  • Rural Healthcare Opportunities 
  • FQHC Market Expansion for Health Equity 

Healthcare Challenges

  • Workforce Issues in Healthcare 
  • The State of the Industry (or segments – State of Payer in America, State of Physician Group, etc.) 
  • Custom Programs Utilizing Current Innovative Thinking 
  • Value-Based Care: How to implement to get an ROI 

Healthcare Technology Innovation

  • Digital Transformation: How to implement smartly and efficiently 
  • Healthcare IT Innovation in the Practice Setting 
  • Remote Patient Monitoring 
  • Deployment of Clinical Decision Support Systems 
  • Deployment of Physician Practice Management Systems 
  • Building and IT Centric Organization 
  • Strategic Information Systems Planning 
  • Selection and Implementation of Health Care Information Technology 

Speaking Topics

  • Megatrends that Affect the Future of Healthcare
  • Health Economics, Policy and Markets
  • The Hospital of the Future  
  • Formation of Viable Health Care Organizations 
  • Strategy, Leadership and Innovation 
  • Consumer-Driven Innovation and Expectations 
  • Private Equity: friend or foe; Private Equity and Value-Based Care Investment 
  • Private Equity Insurgence into BioTech and Health Tech 
  • Health @ Home Economics and Innovation 
  • Rural Healthcare Opportunities 
  • FQHC Market Expansion for Health Equity 
  • Rural health innovation 
  • Health@: next generation business development 
  • How to develop an innovation agenda 
  • The Future of Healthcare 
  • Workforce Issues in Healthcare 
  • The State of the Industry (or segments – State of Payer in America, State of Physician Group, etc.) 
  • Custom Programs Utilizing Current Innovative Thinking 
  • Value-Based Care: How to implement to get an ROI 
  • Digital Transformation: How to implement smartly and efficiently 
  • Healthcare IT Innovation in the Practice Setting 
  • Remote Patient Monitoring 
  • Deployment of Clinical Decision Support Systems 
  • Deployment of Physician Practice Management Systems 
  • Building and IT Centric Organization 
  • Strategic Information Systems Planning 
  • Selection and Implementation of Health Care Information Technology 

More from McDaniel

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Solving Growth Gaps with Integrated Account-Based Marketing

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Change Management: Avoiding Single Points of Failure in Healthcare

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New Canton Icon Master (1)-16
Healthcare Strategy & Economics
  • Megatrends that Affect the Future of Healthcare
  • Health Economics, Policy and Markets
  • The Hospital of the Future  
  • Formation of Viable Health Care Organizations
  • Strategy, Leadership and Innovation
  • Consumer-Driven Innovation and Expectations
New Canton Icon Master (1)-01
Heathcare Capital Markets 
  • Private Equity: friend or foe; Private Equity and Value-Based Care Investment 
  • Private Equity Insurgence into BioTech and Health Tech 
  • Health @ Home Economics and Innovation 
  • Rural Healthcare Opportunities 
  • FQHC Market Expansion for Health Equity 

New Canton Icon Master (1)-33
  • Rural health innovation 
  • Health@: next generation business development 
  • How to develop an innovation agenda 
  • The Future of Healthcare 

integrated marketing solutions
Healthcare Challenges 
  • Workforce Issues in Healthcare 
  • The State of the Industry (or segments – State of Payer in America, State of Physician Group, etc.) 
  • Custom Programs Utilizing Current Innovative Thinking 
  • Value-Based Care: How to implement to get an ROI 
New Canton Icon Master (1)-22
Healthcare Technology Innovation 
  • Digital Transformation: How to implement smartly and efficiently 
  • Healthcare IT Innovation in the Practice Setting 
  • Remote Patient Monitoring 
  • Deployment of Clinical Decision Support Systems 
  • Deployment of Physician Practice Management Systems 
  • Building and IT Centric Organization 
  • Strategic Information Systems Planning 
  • Selection and Implementation of Health Care Information Technology 


Canton Pulse Presents: OpinionbLEADER Video Series


OpinionbLEADER Episode 1: Strategic Plan or Plan Strategically?


OpinionbLEADER Episode 2: Expected Failures


Canton Pulse Episode 3

Dr. Caroline Carney, President of Behavioral Health, CMO, Magellan Health


Canton Pulse Episode 2

Verneda Bachus, CEO, Friend Health


“Healthcare is too siloed, rarely planned, designed or executed with the consumer in mind, which must change. Even providers who have delivered primary and behavioral care for years must be careful not to confuse co–location of services with integrated care – they are not the same.”  

- Don McDaniel

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